If you know me, you know nothing is off the table and if you’re my friend then you’re probably the same way too. Jess is a BOMB wedding photographer from the Houston area (but travels 😉) and came to Colorado with her equally awesome husband, Angel for a hot minute. Jess has been hinting pretty hard at trying to get him to move to Colorado. So we figured what a better way to soak up all of natures amazingness by getting naked and running through it!
Funny little side note, after they ran through the field I said “okay, now get close and warm up” and she says “Oh, I didn’t know we were doing this whole shoot naked. Okay..cool..cool.” It takes true, gutsy friends, a down for anything husband and an equally as crazy photographer to stand in the middle of a field, naked and knowing that anyone could slip through the trees at any given moment and blow your cover. Moral of the story…appreciate your crazy friends and always take some photos of them with clothes on afterward.
Im obliged for the blog post.Much thanks again. Great.